Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities
The Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities is a regional anthology series created by Kat Klockow, Christina Wald, and Tim Fuller, and published by Corpse Flower Press. Each book in the installment retells the ghost stories, urban legends, and cryptids found around the Cincinnati Tri-State area, all retold by local artists and writers in their own voices.
The first Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities debuted in 2020 featuring six stories:
- Mermaids of the Ohio River by Jay Kalagayan and Dylan Speeg
- Music Hall Horror by Brandon Wagner
- Frogg Went a Courtin’ by Tim Fuller
- Satan’s Hallow by Christina Wald
- Loveland Castle by Rodney Fyke
- Sedamsville Rectory by Kat Klockow
Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities: Trails, Trains, and Terror debuted in 2022 featuring six stories:
- The Gazette Ghost by Kevin Necessary
- The Crosswick Monster written by Aziza and illustrated by INKY
- Cryptids Together by Steve Stegelin
- Specters of the Sorg Opera House by Kat Klockow
- The Price Hill Medium written by Jeff Suess and illustrated by Christina Wald
- The True Story of the Crybaby Bridge was written by Kat Klockow and illustrated by Tim Fuller.
Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities: Haunts and Horrors is an upcoming comic anthology featuring six stories:
- Lady in Black written by Jen Koehler and illustrated by Lauren Sparks
- Witches Hill written by Brndan McEachren and illustrated by Scott Booth
- I, Ghost Hunter written by Aisha Little and illustrated by Kat Klockow
- Grassman written by Jay Kalagayan and illustrated by Tim Fuller
- The Mysterious Death of Billy Fee by Brandon Wagner
- Roebling Bridge Sea Serpent by Kat Klockow