In a change up from our usual show’s set up, Henry and I did a live broadcast from Harmon Hall, the site of the Warren County Historical Society in Lebanon, Ohio. We had been invited to join by Shadow Hunters Paranormal, Victory of Light Paranormal, and Project Paranormal– and after the show Henry and I investigated part of the hall!


Listen to the encore of our show at Harmon Hall!

Now onto some photos!


Henry, being stalked by a creepy mannequin!



Mona Lisa, the 17 year old resident cat of the Museum. She is ADORABLE!


The haunted portrait of Charity, whose face changes to suit her mood. This evening she seemed to be smirking.


The “Cabin Room” which is said to be haunted by both a boy and girl ghost.



The life sized cows of the “cow room.” It was also filled with old farm equipment.


A new exhibit, the Underground Railroad room {with Henry to the right}.


Old U.S. Mail carriage kept in the vehicle room.


Main room of the Warren Co. Museum.

This was a rather odd photo, right when I took it I got a very dark chill go through me. Yes, it is very subjective, but damn was it creepy. The entire time I was in the “cow room” it felt like something was watching and trying to intimidate. This room also houses a statue of Lucifer.

What ended up was this dark shade on the left. Which is weird, since there is a light on the left (see below picture, where you can see the exit sign with the hallway light that {had} been lighting up the room.



———————————————————————————————————————————————————Around 12:30AM we decided that it was just too late and that the spirits were no longer stirring. I was plum tired from running in the Iam’s Flying Fur Run during the Cincinnati Flying Pig festivities earlier that day, so staying out much longer with an additional drive home was a bad idea.

Hopefully we can return to the museum for an investigation of the third floor, where a medium in the group, Shelly, was picking up on a fairly conservative male spirit who didn’t much like her.



PS: Still need to review my audio from that evening.